Herb Scented Quinoa – Cooked 2 Ways

by | May 15, 2024 | Recipes, Tips

Baking is my favorite method for producing perfectly cooked grain. The even surround of oven heat eliminates any wonder about whether the grains will cook at the same rate. The key is to bring the cooking liquid to a boil first before going into the oven. Temp I use is always 375 degrees, and timing varies depending on which type of grain I’m using.

Savory Baked Quinoa with Fresh Rosemary, Garlic, Lemon Zest, and Basil

1 cup quinoa, rinsed well and drained

½ Tablespoon fresh rosemary, minced

2 cloves fresh garlic, minced

1 ¾ cup water or unsalted broth

½ teaspoon sea salt

2 teaspoons lemon zest

1–2 Tablespoons roughly chopped basil or parsley

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place the rinsed quinoa, rosemary, and garlic in an oven safe dish. Bring the water [or broth] and salt to a boil, and pour it over the quinoa. Cover tightly and bake for 15-18 minutes until liquid is absorbed and grain is tender.  Remove cover and add lemon zest and basil, fluffing with a fork to combine. Serves 4-6

                                                                                      Catherine McConkie 2019, all rights reserved


Steaming is a classic preparation for grains.  The trick is to leave it undisturbed until most of the cooking time has passed. If unsure whether all of the liquid has been absorbed, use a knife to push a few grains aside and peek at the bottom to see if liquid remains. If it does, replace the lid and continue steaming, checking from time to time.

Savory Steamed Quinoa with Lemongrass, Ginger, Lime Zest, and Mint

1 cup quinoa, rinsed well and drained

2 – 3 stalks lemongrass, finely minced

2 teaspoons fresh ginger, minced

1¾ cup water or unsalted broth

½ teaspoon sea salt

2 teaspoons lime zest

1-2 Tablespoons roughly chopped mint or cilantro

In a wide pot over medium high heat bring water [or broth] to a boil and add salt. Stir in quinoa, lemongrass, and ginger. Cover with a tight fitting lid and reduce heat to low. Steam for 15-18 minutes until liquid is absorbed and grains are tender. Remove from heat and let stand for an additional 10 minutes. Add lime zest and mint, fluffing with a fork to combine.  Serves 4-6.

                                                                                           Catherine McConkie 2019, all rights reserved


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